“The best way to predict your future is to create it.”

– Beverly Stills.
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P1-Chapter 1 -Data Transmission

Chapter: 1 Practice Questions

Chapter 1 | Data representation

Topic 1 | Binary represents data

Chapter 1 | Data representation

Topic 2 | Binary, denary and hexadecimal systems

Chapter 1 | Data representation

Topic 3 | Use of the hexadecimal system

Chapter 1 | Data representation

Topic 4 | Addition of binary numbers

Chapter 1 | Data representation

Topic 5 | Logical binary shifts

Chapter 1 | Data representation

Topic 6 | Two’s complement (binary numbers)

Chapter 1 | Data representation

Topic 7 | Character sets – ASCII code and Unicode

Chapter 1 | Data representation

Topic 8 | Representation of sound

Chapter 1 | Data representation

Topic 9 | Representation of (bitmap) images

Chapter 1 | Data representation

Topic 10 | Measurement of data storage

Chapter 1 | Data representation

Topic 11 | Calculation of file size

Chapter 1 | Data representation

Topic 12 | Data compression

Chapter 1 | Data representation

Topic | Lossy and lossless file compression

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